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Sunday School

Sunday School is offered for ages 3-8th grade.  Our Sunday School staff teaches a curriculum that actively engages our students and helps them to learn the word of the Lord.  Music also plays a big role in our Sunday School program.  You will find our youth opening our service once a month.  We also feel that teaching our students the importance of serving others is an important part of their learning.  Our Sunday School program is involved in service projects such as singing at the nursing home, making blankets for those in need, table crafts and participating in Operation Christmas Child.  Each year our Sunday School students also choose what ministry our Noisy Offering should go to.  You will also find our Sunday School students involved in our annual Christmas program ministering the story of Christmas to family and friends.

Third & Main

Our youth group, Third & Main, meets each Sunday morning during the school year.  Grades 7-12 are invited to join.  This group takes a more in depth look at their walk with Christ through video discussion, theology and more.  This group is involved in service projects, as well.  During the holidays, they purchase gifts for Mid-Sioux to brighten the holidays for families in need.  Each year they lead the Sunday morning service on Super Bowl Sunday where they preach the message of putting others less fortunate first.  This is a great way for them to learn the different ways we can serve our church, as well.  Following this service, the group puts on a soup luncheon that raises money for our local Mid Sioux to provide meals for those that need them.  You can read more about this event on our Fellowship page.  Our Third & Main youth group also prepares and serves breakfast following our Easter Service.


Grades 7 & 8 are invited to participate in confirmation class on Wednesday evenings at 6pm.  During these two years of study, students will learn more about their walk in faith and what steps they need to take to confess their beliefs in front of family & friends and begin their journey as members of the congregation.  


One of the highlights of the Sunday service is listening to the Immanual Lutheran Choir. The choir meets at the church on Wednesday evenings from 7-8 pm and also for a short practice on Sunday mornings at 10am.  All members are welcome to join our choir to sing God's praises each Sunday during the school year.  The Immanual Choir can also be found participating in the annual Community Christmas program in December.

Akron Area Bible School

This week long event is filled with music, Bible stories, games, and more.  This truly is a community event with over 150 participants and 80 volunteers.  We are proud to be a part of the leadership team that puts this event on each year.

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